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Child Resistant Pop Top Pre-Roll Tubes 100mm

Look no further for the ultimate pre-roll packaging solution! Our top-notch 100mm Transparent Clear Plastic Pre-Roll Joint Tubes deliver a practical, effective way to store, transport, and showcase your pre-rolled joints, ensuring they remain fresh and in perfect condition.



With customizable features, competitive wholesale pricing, and a variety of attributes designed to meet industry standards, these joint tubes are an excellent choice for businesses and retailers in the cannabis sector.

Here are some of the outstanding advantages of our 100mm Transparent Clear Plastic Pre-Roll Joint Tubes:

  • Adaptable design: Personalize your joint tubes to match your brand’s unique style and requirements with numerous customization options.
  • Attractive wholesale pricing: Benefit from our appealing wholesale rates, guaranteeing a fantastic return on your investment.
  • Ideal fit for pre-rolled joints: Specifically crafted for pre-rolled joints, these tubes offer a secure and protective storage option.
  • Child-Resistant & Compliant: Adhering to strict child-resistant and regulatory standards, our joint tubes ensure that your product is safe and in line with industry regulations.
  • Sample availability: Try our joint tubes before placing a large order by requesting samples to assess their compatibility with your brand.
  • Effortless labeling: The transparent design allows for simple and straightforward labeling, making your brand stand out on the shelves.

For businesses and retailers in the marijuana field, having dependable and polished packaging solutions that cater to customers’ preferences is crucial. Our 100mm Transparent Clear Plastic Pre-Roll Joint Tubes provide just that – an ideal combination of practicality, aesthetics, and convenience, all at a reasonable price. Don’t hesitate – upgrade your cannabis packaging strategy today with these exceptional joint tubes.